API Reference

If you are looking for information on a specific function, class or method, this part of the documentation is for you.

utmp entry types

EMPTY: int = 0

When utmp_entry.type is set to this value, the event is an invalid or empty event.

BOOT_TIME: int = 1

When utmp_entry.type is set to this value, the event is a host boot event.

OLD_TIME: int = 2

When utmp_entry.type is set to this value, the event is a time yield event before system time change.

NEW_TIME: int = 3

When utmp_entry.type is set to this value, the event is a time yield event after system time change.


When utmp_entry.type is set to this value, the event is a user process.


When utmp_entry.type is set to this value, the event is a process spawned by the init process.


When utmp_entry.type is set to this value, the event is a process which is the session leader of a user.


When utmp_entry.type is set to this value, the event is a session leader who has exited.

RUN_LEVEL: int = 8

When utmp_entry.type is set to this value, the event is a system run-level change.


When utmp_entry.type is set to this value, the event is an other accounting event.

Entry formats

class pyutmpx.exit_status

Exit status representation for dead process entries in utmp and related databases, as described by the struct exit_status type defined in <utmp.h>.

termination: int

The process termination status, i.e. whether it has exited normally using exit(2) or if it has been terminated using a signal.

This field is populated using the e->e_termination field. Refer to <utmp.h> and wait(2) for more information.

exit: int

The process exit status, i.e. the code returned by the process in the case it has called exit(2).

This field is populated using the e->e_exit field. Refer to <utmp.h> and wait(2) for more information.

class pyutmpx.utmp_entry

utmp entry representation, as described by either the struct utmp type defined in <utmp.h> or the struct utmpx type defined in <utmpx.h>.

id: str

The unspecified initialization process identifier.

This field is populated using the ut->ut_id field, when available.

type: int

The type of the entry, amongst the following constants:


No valid user accounting information.


Identifies time of system boot.


Identifies time when system clock changed.


Identifies time after system clock changed.


Identifies a process.


Identifies a process spawned by the init process.


Identifies a session leader of a logged-in user.


Identifies a session leader who has exited.


Identifies a change in system run-level; refer to init(1) for more information.


No information available.

This field is populated using the ut->ut_type field, when available.

user: str

The login name of the user involved in the event.

This field is populated using the ut->ut_user or ut->ut_name fields.

host: str

The host from which the event has occurred.

The name of the remote host from which the event has occurred in the case of remote logins, or the kernel version for other system-related events.

This field is populated using the ut->ut_host field, when available.

line: str

The line or device on which the event has occurred.

This field is populated using the ut->ut_line field.

time: datetime.datetime

The time at which the entry was added to the database, as a datetime using the UTC timezone.

This field is populated using the ut->ut_tv, ut->ut_time or ut->ut_xtime fields, when available.

pid: int

The process identifier (pid), for process or session leader related events.

This field is populated using the ut->ut_pid field, when available.

sid: int

The session identifier (sid) of the process, used for windowing.

This field is populated using the ut->ut_session field, when available. Refer to getsid(2) for more information.

exit: exit_status

The exit status of the process or session leader on dead process events, as a pyutmpx.exit_status instance.

This field is populated using the ut->ut_exit field, when available.

addr: str

The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the host in case of remote logins, as a string.

This field is populated using the ut->ut_addr_v6 or ut->ut_addr fields, when available.

class pyutmpx.lastlog_entry

lastlog entry representation, as described by the struct lastlog type defined in <utmp.h>.

uid: int

The user identifier (uid) of the login process.

This field is populated using the offset of the entry in the file.

host: str

The host from which last login has occurred, as a string.

This field is populated using the ll->ll_host field.

line: str

The line on which last login has occurred, as a string.

This field is populated using the ll->ll_line field.

time: datetime.datetime

The time at which last login has occurred for this user, as a datetime with the UTC timezone.

This field is populated using the ll->ll_time field.

Classes abstracting the databases

class pyutmpx.utmp

An iterable read-only view of the utmp database, yielding utmp_entry instances.

class pyutmpx.wtmp

An iterable read-only view of the wtmp (historical utmp) database when available, yielding utmp_entry instances.

class pyutmpx.btmp

An iterable read-only view of the btmp (bad logins) database when available, yielding utmp_entry instances.

class pyutmpx.lastlog

An iterable read-only view of the lastlog database, yielding lastlog_entry instances.